
The Minnesota Boxer Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Boxer breed per the official AKC Breed Standard and is a member club of the parent club, the American Boxer Club, Inc. (ABC).

Members enjoy a wide variety of activities with and related to Boxers including exhibiting in AKC conformation shows, participation in performance events such as obedience, agility, barn hunt, FASTCAT, dock diving, Canine Good Citizen, scent work and breeding. Anyone who feels passionately about the Boxer breed is eligible to become a member.

There are two types of membership: Full membership and Associate membership.

Full membership is available to indivduals or couples (each having a seperate vote). To be eligible for Full membership, an applicant must:
(*) be at least 18 years of age
(*) own at least one registered Boxer
(*) have exhibited one or more of same in at least 3 AKC licensed dog shows within one year of application for membership
(*) be in good standing with the American Kennel Club

Associate membership eligibility does not require ownership or exhibition of a Boxer. Associate members may attend general meetings, speak on any topic and serve on any committee. However, Associates may not make/second motions, cast votes, chair committees, or be an Officer or Board member of the Minnesota Boxer Club.

Applicants must agree not to exploit membership and be sponsored by a current club member who is not related to the applicant and who is in good standing with the Minnesota Boxer Club.


Closely resembles that of our parent club, the American Boxer Club.
Members agree to abide by MNBC By-Laws and those portions of the ABC By-Laws and Code of Ethics applicable to members of member clubs.
Return completed application with fee to membership chair. Each application will be considered at next meeting.

Useful To Know

Club members make educational presentations at club meeting on various subjects.
Subjects such as what's happening in canine research, canine CPR, breed history, deeper understanding of pedigrees, therapy dog visit experiences and other topics are discussed. Or check out the blog for other topics of interest.

History Quicks

The white Boxer is not rare, nor is it an albino. About 20-25% of the population of Boxers are born white which can be traced back to the introduction of stock imported from England to Germany during the development of the breed. Genetically, these dogs are either fawn or brindle, with excessive white markings overlying the base coat color. White boxers are no different than their colored siblings, however because of their lighter coat may be more sensitive to sunburn and a small percentage are born deaf in one or both ears. White boxers should be BAER (hearing) tested.