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Meet the Members

Nadine Kuhlemeier

When I was in second grade, my parents bought our family a Boxer puppy for Christmas. That is when I fell in love with the breed. Since I was the youngest (and only girl), I got to name him. I chose Frisky, after the dog food.

After I grew up and bought a house of my own in 1983, I bought my first Boxer - Nadine's Loving Lucy - through an advertisement in the newspaper. I took her to obedience school with the idea of competing in obedience. Lucy and I earned her AKC CD (American Kennel Club Companion Dog) title. The next year I bought a male Boxer puppy - Nadine's Sir Sidney - and again trained in obedience, earning his AKC CDX (Companion Dog Excellent) and Canadian CD titles. I met many people through the training classes and became more involved in the "dog world."

The highest obeidence title has been the CDX, through I have competed and earned CA (coursing ability) titles with two of my boxers and try to earn AKC's CGC (Canine Good Citizen) titles on all of my Boxers. While I have trained in agility, I don't compete due to a fear of falling.

I also participated in animal therapy with my boxers through Pet Partners, a national organization for therapy animals based in Washington state. To become a registered therapy team, the handler (human) and animal (in my case my Boxers) must pass an evaluation consisting of 12 skill exercises and 10 aptitude exercises, as well as an online course/test for the human part of the team, with a score of at least 80. While I did participate in a therapy dog class at one of my training schools with my first therapy Boxer, I now feel that participating in puppy classes and novice obedience classes are enough. Emmy is my third therapy Boxer thru Pet Partners.

Pet Partners provides a list of local facilities that are open for pet therapy volunteers, a resource library and insurance while you are on-site with your animal. Registration must be renewed every two years by completing an online handler knowledge assessment, again with a score of 80, team evaluation and proof of innoculations. Emmy and I have visited a Presbyterian senior living community, memory care facility, airport and hospital(s). Pet Partners recommends visits should last no more than 2 hours, but Emmy (and I) get tired after about 90 minutes. When Reggie passes his evaluation, then he and I will become a second team. The smiles on the faces of the people we visit make all the training and testing worthwhile.

Both of my current Boxers, Emmy (CH. Katandy's Fanning the Flams, BN, RN, SWN, SCA, SIA, SBA, CGC, TKN) and Reggie (GCHB. Schoental's Reginal, TKN) are AKC champions and have earned TKN (trick dog novice) titles. My latest interest is in nose work in AKC and NACSW (National Association of Canine Scent Work) venues. Emmy has earned her NW1 and AKC novice scent work titles (4) and is working on her AKC advanced and excellent; in NACSW, she is working on her level 2 skills. mmy also has an NW1 and a L1V title thru NACSW—-national association of canine scent work. NW1—nose work level 1 L1V. Level 1 vehicles

Here's a "key" for some of their titles:

  • TKN - trick dog novice
  • BN. Beginner novice
  • RN. Rally novice
  • SWN. Scent work novice
  • SCA. Scent work containers advanced
  • SIA. Scent work interiors advanced
  • SBA. Scent work buried advanced
  • CGC. AKC Canine Good Citizen
  • Reggie was campaigned in the comformation ring in 2019 and made it into the American Boxer Club's Top Twenty Boxer list for that year. He has been taking Barn Hunt lessons and will be starting nose work as well. I have no kennel name and have never bred a litter. Each and every one of my Boxers has brought me the greatest pleasure and filled my life with extraordinary joy. I don't know what I would do without them.

    I am a member in the following all breed dog clubs: Land O' Lakes Kennel Club, serving as a boardmember, secretary, show chair for Obedience/Rally and ring steward at shows; St. Croix Valley Kennel Club, serving as the obedience/rally show chairperson and ring stewarding at their shows; St. Paul Dog Training Club, helping with trials and taking lessons. I also belong to Minnesota Boxer Club, where I have held every office except Vice President, served as show chair for many years and helped with the AKC application process which allows the club to hold obedience and rally trials at our annual specialty shows; and, American Boxer Club (Lifetime Member), where I always steward at the obedience and rally trials during the ABC National.

    Boxer Quicks

    “In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semi human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.” – Edward Hoagland


    Want to Join? Apply Now
    Membership is open to anyone who loves the boxer breed. There is no requirement that you own, show or breed in order to be a member. The membership application is available HERE